Gingival recession treatment options pdf

Sep 23, 2011 this paper highlights the aetiology of gingival recession, the treatment options available to treat any associated sensitivity and the nonsurgical treatment options available to restore. During this procedure, gum tissue is taken from your palate or another donor source to cover the exposed root. Introduction gingival recession is the most common and undesirable condition. The following treatments can help reattach or restore gum tissue around the teeth. This study evaluated a technique that can increase the blood supply to the periodontal tissues compared with a traditional technique. The purpose of this study was to evaluate a clinical comparison of subepithelial connective tissue graft sctg and guided tissue regeneration gtr with a collagen membrane in the treatment of gingival.

The causes, identification, risk factors and treatment options for recession are discussed. Most cases of mild gum recession do not need treatment. Gingival recession is a frequently observed clinical condition characterized by exposure of. Some patients will not be concerned whereas others will have. At the outset, we assumed that the literature associated with the treatment of gingival recession, either localized or generalized, in the population. Management of gingival recession in the orthodontic patient. Jan 08, 2012 gingival recession slideshare uses cookies to improve functionality and performance, and to provide you with relevant advertising. Navarasu, and venkata srikanth treatment of gingival recession using, coronally advanced flap case reports international journal of.

Pdf treatment of gingival recessions in heavy smokers. The treatment for receding gums depends on the underlying cause. Twenty heavy smokers 10 males and 10 females with two bilateral miller class i gingival. There are treatments that can repair the gum and prevent further damage. Gingival recession gr is the term that designates the oral exposure of the root. Exploring the gingival recession surgical treatment modalities. A 55yearold man presented with significant gingival recession. Surgical treatments also can help, such as grafts that attach gum tissue from one part of your mouth to the exposed area. Orthodontic treatment is able to prevent recession and even contribute to its treatment, with or without periodontal approach, depending on the type and severity of gingival. The tunnel technique in the periodontal plastic treatment. Gum recession is a common problem in adults over the age of 40, but it may also occur starting from the age of a teenager, or around the age of 10. Causes and treatments when your gums recede or pull away from your teeth, it is called gum recession. How to reverse gum recession naturally gum disease treatment. Gingival recession results from many different factors such as patient habits brushing too hardusing the wrong technique, picking with their fingernails, periodontal disease, bruxism, and orthodontic treatment.

Managing the consequences of periodontal diseasestreatment. This can be caused by any number of life habits, and your course of treatment. Gingival recession can be caused by periodontal disease, accumulations. Although it rarely results in tooth loss, marginal tissue recession. Gingival recession, also known as receding gums, is the exposure in the roots of the teeth caused by a loss of gum tissue andor retraction of the gingival margin from the crown of the teeth. Does gingival recession require surgical treatment.

If it is due to excessive or aggressive brushing, a dental office staff member can show you more effective oral hygiene methods. Gingival recession associated with orthodontic treatment and. Although it rarely results in tooth loss, marginal tissue recession is associated with thermal and tactile sensitivity, esthetic complaints, and a tendency toward root caries. A new approach rajesh kumar thakur 1 1 professor, department of periodontics, kothiwal dental college and research centre, moradabad, up abstract. Gingival recession can be defined as the displacement of the marginal tissue apical to the cementoenamel junction cej see aap glossary of terms. A classification system facilitates the communication and understanding of common. Receding gums symptoms causes of receding gums receding gums treatment questions about receding gums. It occurs when the gum pulls away from the tooth, resulting in root exposure. Nonsurgical management of gingival recession and associated. Gum tissue wears away, leaving more of a tooth exposed.

If you continue browsing the site, you agree to the use of cookies on this website. Pinhole surgical technique for receding gums pasadena. Gingival recession jada american dental association. Dental hygienists can educate patients on how best to prevent recession. Become familiar with the causes of gingival recession and two alternate treatment options. Gingival recession at the lingual surfaces of lower anterior teeth showed a. Gingival recessions and the change of inclination of.

Teaching effective but gentle brushing is an effective early. Gingival recession is a frequently observed clinical condition characterized by exposure of tooth cementum, predominately on the labial surfaces of teeth, and is reported to be present in the vast majority 5088% of the adult dentition. The gingival morphology and tissue biotype have an influence on the likelihood of recession. Apr 19, 2018 since esthetics represents an inseparable part of successful implant therapy, treatment of gingival recessions is an important topic to understand.

Straumann emdogain for gingival recession treatment. Abstract gingival recession is a common dental problem that escalates. The gum line also looks lower around some teeth than around others. An array of treatment options exists for treatment of gingival recession, such as a coronally advanced flap caf combined with connective tissue graft ctg. Gingival recession associated with orthodontic treatment and root. The aim of the treatment for gingival recession should be to address the patients concerns of sensitivity andor aesthetics.

Hypersensitivity is another chief concern, and it has been shown to be significantly reduced following root coverage procedures. Recessions are relatively common in caucasian populations and their development is agedependentthey are more prevalent in older than in younger persons. Gum recession treatment fix your receding gums dentist says. The gingival morphology and tissue biotype have an influence on the likelihood of recession occurring. If you continue browsing the site, you agree to the use of. In a tooth with gum recession, the gum tissue has pulled away from the tooth.

Although it rarely results in tooth loss, marginal tissue recession is associated with thermal and tactile sensitivity. Oct 02, 2012 etiology and the contributing factors are chief when deciding on appropriate treatment procedures for patients with localized gingival recession. The treatment of gingival recession defects is indicated for esthetic reasons, to. This will allow the practitioner to recognize the most suitable treatment options in conjunction with the patient, following an informed discussion and, if appropriate, refer for further care. Gingival recession an overview sciencedirect topics.

Recession can occur in individuals of all ages and can be a result of the following. Apr 23, 20 gingival recession or receding gums, is a disorder in which the roots of the teeth come to be uncovered due to the reduction or decreasing of periodontal tissue. It causes loose teeth, bleeding gums and other dental problems. The gum recession treatment options will vary depending upon the cause of the recession in the first place. The dual goals of mucogingival treatment include complete root coverage, up to the cemento. With the new pinhole surgical technique, we can treat all the affected teeth in one session. Periodontal soft tissue nonroot coverage procedures patientpop. One surgical treatment commonly used by periodontists is gum grafting. His classification of gingival recession is based on the remaining gingival tissues surrounding affected teeth see reference 3 for details.

A gingival recession figure 1a and 1b is defined as the displacement of the marginal tissue apical to the cementoenamel junction camargo et al. For instance, gum recession caused by excessive or aggressive brushing can be helped with improved oral hygiene. Treatment of gingival recession using coronally advanced flap. Gingival recession and attached tissue a thorough understanding of the anatomy of the supporting structures of the teeth is a prerequisite to correct diagnosis and treatment planning when dealing with mucogingival defects around teeth or implants. Gingival recession, or long tooth syndrome can be the result of many different processes. Management of gingival recession in the orthodontic patient dominiki chatzopoulou, dipds, mclin dent in perio eng, and ama johal, bds, phd, fds orth rcs gingival recession gr is a common. Gingival recession is the exposure of root surfaces due to apical migration of the gingival tissue margins. Fukumoto y, horibe m, inagaki y, oishi k, tamaki n, ito ho, nagata t 2014 association of gingival recession and other factors with the presence of dentin hypersensitivity. Treatment of gingival recession has become an important therapeutic issue due to the increasing number of cosmetic requests from patients. Gum recession can cause problems for your dental health.

Gingival recession dent avrasya dental clinic in turkey. Treatment considerations from a periodontist tina m. Although mitigating the causes of gingival recession decreases its incidence and severity, implementing practical management and prevention strategies in the clinical setting can be challenging. Smokers have small root coverage which is associated with bad vascularity of periodontal tissues. In a healthy mouth, the gums are pink and the gum line is consistent around all the teeth. Gingival recession or receding gums, is a disorder in which the roots of the teeth come to be uncovered due to the reduction or decreasing of periodontal tissue.

Gingival recession, or gum recession, is what happens when gum tissue is recessed and lowers its position on the tooth, exposing the roots of the teeth. Gingival recession represents a significant concern for patients and a therapeutic problem for clinicians. Rationale and treatment options october 1, 2012 by avi shelemay, dds, mscperio, frcdc many techniques have been developed over the years for managing gingival recession and preventing it from progressing. Several techniques have been proposed to achieve root coverage. To perform a gum graft, a periodontist takes tissue from another area and uses it to cover the exposed root and tooth area, according to the aap. Gingival recession is a common finding in many patients. One of the most common esthetic concerns associated with the periodontal tissues is gingival recession. Gingival recession has direct causes and predisposing factors. The distance between the cej and gingival margin gives the level of recession. Restoring the gingival level with surgery, applying a free gum graft to the exposed root surface or a sideshifted flap operation are considered as primary treatment options. Furthermore, gr is often complicated by dental cervical wear of substance, such as. Treating gingival recession over the last few years dentistry has. Patient concerns unsatisfactory esthetics is a major reason why patients with gingival recession seek treatment. Gingival recession associated with orthodontic treatment.

This can be done for one tooth or several teeth to even your gum line and reduce sensitivity. Gingival recession gr is a highly prevalent dental problem that may be associated with dentin hypersensitivity and aesthetic complaint. Gingival recession and root caries in the ageing population. Gingival recession occurs when the location of the gingival. The purpose of this randomized clinical trial was to evaluate the effect of a guided tissue regeneration gtr procedure in comparison to connective tissue graft ctg in the treatment of gingival recession. This paper highlights the aetiology of gingival recession, the treatment options available to treat any associated sensitivity and the nonsurgical treatment options available to. Beck, dds, ms abstract multiple treatment options exist when considering therapeutic approaches for the management of gingival recession.

It is characterized by the displacement of the gingival margin apically from the cementoenamel junction cej and the exposure of the root surface to the oral environment. The purpose of this randomized clinical trial was to evaluate the effect of a guided tissue regeneration gtr procedure in comparison to connective tissue graft ctg in the treatment of gingival recession defects. Dealing with gum recession is essential, not just for relief, but additionally to protect the healthiness of the teeth. Receding gums treatment options depend on the severity of the recession. Gum recession or receding gums is a gum disease due to periodontitis. Webmd explains the causes of gum recession, how it is treated, and how to prevent the condition. There is no evidence on the fact that orthodontic treatment alone might induce gingival recession.

If you think your gums are receding, make an appointment with your dentist. The principal objective in the treatment of gingival recession is to cover the exposed root surfaces to improve es thetics and to reduce. How to stop gingival recession or receding gums treatment. Teeth that are crooked and not inline with the gum. I will split the treatment options into two categories, generalized and specialized.

Sometimes it happens even if a person takes good care of his or her teeth. The gingival veneer is a prosthesis indicated for challenging clinical situations where there are esthetic concerns because of gingival recession, particularly loss of interdental papillae. Straumann emdogain for gingival recession treatment recession treatment with coronally advanced flap technique caf and straumann emdogain case by pd dr. So you want to know how to reverse receding gums naturally. Nov 29, 2019 surgical coverage of exposed root surfaces is one of the most common treatments in plastic periodontal surgery. Gingival recession, classification, treatment options. If your gums have receded only a small amount, a deep cleaning at your dentists office might be enough to treat them. Understand why gingival recession is a concern both functionally and aesthetically for the soft and hard tissue.

In the cases presented, the etiologies of the gingival recession were scarce vestibular depth and inadequate width of keratinized gingiva. Management and prevention of gingival recession merijohn. Orthodontic treatment is able to prevent recession and even contribute to its treatment, with or without periodontal approach, depending on the type and severity of gingival tissue damage. Dentists may advise on prevention and offer to monitor the gums. Pdf surgical treatment options for grafting areas of. When teeth are healthy, gum tissue fits around each tooth like a cuff. Gingival hyperplasia can be a recurrent condition despite improvements in oral hygiene, professional treatment, and drug substitutions. Treatment of gingival recession using coronally advanced flap case reports. Gingival recession occurs when the location of the gingival margin lies. Hagewald assistant professor at the university of berlin and private practice, berlingermany stefan. If you have gum recession, your dentist can help you understand the causes and recommend a treatment. Based upon the fact that gingival recession is an enigma for clinicians because of multitude of etiological factors and plethora of treatment modalities present for its treatment, a survey was.

Patientrelated, defectorientated and techniquebased factors will be addressed that mainly. Studies evaluating the effects of orthodontic treatment on gingival recession typically suggest an incidence of 1020% when evaluated for as long as 5 years following the completion of orthodontic therapy. Contents introduction definitions classifications etiology factors affecting treatment outcome treatment. Progressive gingival recession also increases the risk of tooth loss secondary to clinical attachment loss. Controversy exists in the literature between the role of orthodontic treatment and gingival recession. Webmd does not provide medical advice, diagnosis or treatment. In such cases, overgrown gums may need to be surgically removed. Fast and effective gum recession treatment the pinhole technique is performed using just a small entry point. Various procedures have been proposed to treat gingival recession, but few studies compare these procedures to each other. Surgical treatment options for grafting areas of gingival recession association with cervical lesions. Diagnosis and treatment of gingival recession decisions. Diagnosis and treatment of gingival recession decisions in. Before we can discuss the reversal of receding gums, we must first identify the causes of gum recession. The patented pinhole surgical technique is one of the most recent of such procedures and one of the most poorly understood.

Apr 04, 2016 gingival recession has direct causes and predisposing factors. In some cases of gum disease, root planing debridement may be required. Treating gingival recession using the vista technique. If gum recession develops, the gums often look inflamed. Gum recession is when the margin of the gum tissue surrounding the teeth wears away, or pulls back, exposing more of the tooth, or the tooths root. Gingival recession can also occur due to abnormal habits such as teeth clenching. Replacement crowns, surgery, or extraction of teeth, and provision of a removable partial denture are other treatment options. There are treatments that can repair the gum and prevent further. This classification is useful when deciding on treatment options maynard, 2004. This classification is useful when deciding on treatment options 30. Before looking at some common sense tips, it is vitally important that you identify the root cause. This is a deep clean under the gums that gets rid of bacteria from the roots of your teeth. Gingival recession is associated with oral exposure of the root surface due to a displacement of the gingival margin apical to the cementoenamel junction. Your treatment options depend on the type and severity of your gum recession.

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